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Half a World Away: The Irish in Korea, 1871 to Today

The Irish Association of Korea is delighted to present our next event; Half a World Away: The Irish in Korea, 1871 to Today, on November 12th. This event will highlight the history of the Irish people in Korea, and the connections the Irish people have developed with Korea, since 1871.

The day-long event, will begin at 10am in the Hamilton Hotel, Itaewon, with opening remarks by the Irish Ambassador to Korea, Aingeal O’Donoghue, and a brief presentation on the Irish Association of Korea, by the IAK chairperson, Andrew Kilbride. Breakfast will be served and, following this, will be the first of two talks, beginning with Dr. Kevin O’Rourke. Dr. O’Rourke is a writer and scholar and has been a resident in Korea since the 1960’s. His written works include; ‘The First Irish in Korea and the History and Contribution of the Irish people over the years’. This will be followed by a talk and presentation, by James Durney; a visiting Irish author who has written two books on the Irish in the Korean War.

From the Hamilton Hotel, buses will take us to the “Memorial of the Irish dead of the Korean War” and then to former battlefields where Irishmen fought and died in the Korean War. These tours will be guided by authors Andrew Salmon and James Durney.

The buses will return between 7 and 8pm, after which, there will be an IAK fundraiser at the Rocky Mountain Tavern, Itaewon. This promises to be a fun night of Irish traditional, folk, and rock music, lasting well into the night!

Tickets for the day are just 10,000won, which includes breakfast, all talks and tours, and admission to the evening event. Spaces are limited so pre-payment is necessary.

For bank transfer details please email;

Reservations for this event will close on November 9th.

See you there!

다가오는 11월 12일 토요일, 한국아일랜드협회(IAK)에서 "Half a World Away" 행사를 개최합니다. 이 행사는 오늘날에 이르기까지 한국에 크고 작게 영향을 미친 아일랜드 사람들에 대해서 이야기를 듣고, 한국전쟁에 참전해 용감히 싸운 아일랜드 참전용사들의 전적지를 방문하는 등 다양한 일정으로 이루어져 있습니다. 아일랜드 문화에 관심있으신 분들은 누구나 참석하실 수 있으니 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.

낮 행사가 끝난 후에는 이태원에서 신나는 아일랜드 전통&락 음악과 함께 자선파티가 열립니다. 더 자세한 사항은 한국아일랜드협회 페이스북 페이지(를 참고 하시기 바랍니다. 이벤트 참가비는 1인당 10,000원이며, 아침 식사와 전적지 투어, 저녁 자선파티 참가비가 모두 포함된 금액입니다. 아일랜드 문화에 관심이 있으시다면 오셔서 유익하고 즐거운 시간 보내시길 바랍니다. *행사는 영어로 진행됩니다.

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